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Discovering Netherlands On 1 June 2017

Marken – A trip out of Amsterdam

A few days ago we decided to go out of Amsterdam. Destination Peninsula of Marken, previously an island of Markermeer in the municipality of Waterland,in the North Holland.

And while walking through the lanes, you also feel that you belong to the city, even if you are just a spectator. Even if only for a moment.

Financial Tips On 7 December 2016

My experience in Investor Relation assistant

The Investor Relator is the company figure that manages relations of a listed company with investors, shareholders, government organizations and the overall financial community.
Let’s see his main activities and his role. Read More on the article!!

Research On 23 November 2016

Food and Beverage in Italy 2016

Food and Beverage sector plays a key role in the Italian economy and in 2015 achieved revenues of 135 billion euros, around 8% of GDP, while exports recorded a new record coming to quota 37 billion euros (+7.4% compared to 2014) with a target of 50 billion euros by 2020.

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